Notices -

Monday 20th of May, 2024

Meeting / Practices Location When Staff
All Benildus Singing Music Room Mon 20 May 12:45 JOM
  Could Oscar Fryer, Henry Back, Ethan Salve, Hugh Tien, Olly Neale, Alejandro Bellringer, Alex Guo, Luca Rojito, and any others, please come to the Music Room at lunch time today. Thanks, Clarence

All Kapa Haka Te Atawhai Mon 13 May 12.25pm MEL
  Kapa Haka is on today. Remember to excuse yourself from your Period 4 class at 12.25 and head to Te Atawhai (the Māori Room)

All Prayer FDMC Mon 20 May Day AZS
  Me Maumahara tatou, Ka tu tatou i te Aroaro o te Atua
In the Name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit Amen
Ever present God, you never turn your back on us even when we are lost or turn away from you. Help those who are lost return to your loving arms.
Hato Hoani Papita de La Salle Inoia Matou
Kei roto a Hehu Karaiti o tatou ngakou Mo ake tonu atu
Ki te ingoa o te Matua o te Tamaiti o te Wairua Tapu Amene

Year 8 Year 8 Hockey Cardinals Room 18 Mon 20 May 10:45am POD
  Year 8 Hockey Cardinals team meeting today and every Monday at interval straight after the bell. All team members are expected to attend if they are here.

Yrs 9-13 TSSSA Netball Sports office Mon 20 May interval LCH
  Can the students competing in the TSSSA Netball Competition please come to a meeting in the sports office at interval.

Yrs 9-13 TSSSA Skateboarding Sports office Mon 20 May interval / lunch LCH
  Any Year 9 - 13 students interested in TSSSA skateboarding please sign up in the sports office today

Notices Staff
All Activate Group meeting GFI
  A reminder to the Year 9 and 10 students in the Activ8 program are to meet at the start of lunch today in room 23.

All Chamber Music LST
  All students who are involved in the upcoming Chamber Music contest, please meet Mrs Stuck at the front of the hall after assembly.

All Food bank donations TDA
  Please keep your food bank donations coming in to your Vertical Form teacher this week. Tinned tomatoes, tinned corn, pasta sauce, rice, sugar, muesli bars, toilet paper, and soap are currently the most requested items. Thanks for your support.

All Kapa Haka MEL
  Kapa Haka is on today. Remember to excuse yourself from your Period 4 class at 12.25 and head to Te Atawhai (the Māori Room)

Intermediate Basketball ACO
  ALL Year 7 and Year 8 basketballers MUST MEET with Mr Cowie in the GYM straight after assembly TODAY.

Seniors Shakespeare practices back in business PJO
  Shakespeare practice will be in the music room afterschool today. Clarence, Daniel, George, Zach, Thomas Kerr, Thomas Doyle, Hugh Tien, Ben , Owain, Quinn Smith, Jamie, Ethan Rice. All must attend as agreed.