Notices -

Friday 24th of May, 2024

Meeting / Practices Location When Staff
All Prayer FDMC Fri 24 May Day AZS
  Me Maumahara tatou, Ka tu tatou i te Aroaro o te Atua
In the Name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit Amen
Dear God, Give us the confidence we need to overcome obstacles we face in our daily challenges. Not only to make it over the line but to succeed to the best of our ability.
Hato Hoani Papita de La Salle Inoia Matou
Kei roto a Hehu Karaiti o tatou ngakou Mo ake tonu atu
Ki te ingoa o te Matua o te Tamaiti o te Wairua Tapu Amene

Juniors Chess club Room 17 Fri 24 May Interval MEL
  All Yr7 & 8 students interested in joining the Intermediate Chess Club, please come to a quick meeting in Room 17 at Interval.

Year 8 AIMS Games Hockey Room 18 Fri 24 May 10.45am POD
  The following students have been selected in the 2024 FDMC AIMS hockey team and are asked to please come to Room 18 at interval for a very brief meeting:
William Blackbourn, Sam Fowell, Max Gardner, Quinn Griffiths, Jonathon Hoke, Jake Johnston, Carter Lane, Cooper Lay, Nathan Manning, Harith Ramesh.
Congratulations to these boys.

Notices Staff
All CHARCON - Calling Musicians/bands TWI
  Could all bands/musicians interested in performing at this year's FDMC charity concert please come to the music room at interval friday.
If you cannot make it please come and see Mr Williams over the next couple of weeks.

All Joseph Cast LST
  Please come to the music room for a very quick meeting at lunchtime.

All Library Closed most of Week 5 TME
  The Library will be closed Monday through to Thursday inclusive next week. So only open Friday. Sorry for the inconvenience but a busy week. Please remember to be quiet and respectful around the library for the boys sitting exams. Miss Meuli Library Manager.

Seniors Breakfast in Schools AZS
  All who want to do Breakfast In Schools this year please email Zach Bernardo to be put into the roster. You have to be at Marfell by 7:45 am and it'll finish around 8:30, and you will help serve food to students in need. This is a great opportunity for service, open for year 11s and above.

Year 10 Year 10 students going to TOPEC POD
  The students selected to go to TOPEC in week 9 are listed below. Your parents have been notified and payment of $260 is due by the end of week 6 (June 7). There are students on the reserve list who want to go so please notify Mr O'Donnell ASAP if you can no longer attend for any reason.

A notice containing further information will be issued in week 5.

Oliver Allen, Jayden Baker, Thomas Baker, Benjamin Bartlett, Bede Basile, Daniel Billanes, Nate Chamberlain, Lachlan Charteris, Alex Coogan, Harper Craig, Thomas Crowley, Liam Dobson, Blake Downer, Connor Dudley, Oliver Foley, Joel Gracie, Fletcher Grainger, Thomas Joyce, Oscar Keller, Calum Lewis, Maluapapa Manutai, Cohen Moratti, Neil Mulligan, Jacob Omelvena, Caleb Perry, Jacob Petrowski, Jackson Read, Noah Scannell, Jack Schrider, Lucius Scown, Lachlan Sorensen, Blake Steele, Jacob Thompson, Billy Vincent, Javarn Walsh, Oliver Wheatley, Ben Willis, Benjamin Withers, Paul Ylaran, Taylen Young.

Apologies to the students who have missed out this time.

Year 11 See Miss Curd KCU
  Jacob Dimock, TeKaea, and Ai-Zayah please meet Miss Curd outsdie the deanery at 1045.

Year 9 Module Swap MEL
  Today is the last day for modules with new modules starting next week. Please check the student noticeboard or your timetable to see where you are going on Monday, 27 May.

Year 9 Travellers HKE
  Travellers will be on period 3 and 4 on Monday

  BASKETBALL GAMES after school TODAY. ALL Yr 9 and Yr 10 Social Basketballers PLEASE CHECK your game time. Boston Bricks Team is on DUTY.