Notices -

Tuesday 11th of June, 2024

Meeting / Practices Location When Staff
Juniors TSSSSA JUNIOR 3x3 Basketball Room 24 Tue 11 Jun Lunch LCH
  All year 9 and 10 students who signed up for JUNIOR 3x3 Basketball MUST attend a meeting in room 24 at the start of lunch TODAY.

Seniors TSSSA SENIOR 3x3 Basketball Room 24 Tue 11 Jun Interval LCH
  Senior students who want to compete in the TSSSA 3x3 basketball event please come to a meeting in room 24 at interval

Yrs 9-13 TSSSA Squash Sports Office Mon 10 Jun Interval LCH
  Can the following students please come to a meeting in the sports office at interval today - Jack Hopkins, Oliver Howarth, Jean Lingenfelder, Karlin Snowden, Grady O'Sullivan and Ethan Watson.

Notices Staff
  WHEN: Tues 18th Jun WHERE: Quad at lunchtime WHAT: Look out for the posters around the school WHO: All Yr 10 to Yr 13 Commerce and Business Studies students. EFTPOS bank is available

All Student Council RWO
  The student council will meet in Room 9 Thursday at interval. All welcome.

Juniors Adventure Racing- Get 2 Go Challenge JRE
  Any year 9 or 10 student that is interested in competing in the Get 2 Go Challenge, please come to room 5 at interval today. Get 2 Go is an adventure racing challenge that involves water activities, mountain biking and rogaine activities in teams.

Juniors Year 9 and 10 Social TWI
  Year 9 and 10 Social
Tuesday 18th June at FDMC. Time: 6:00pm - 7:30pm.
Entry is $5 - there will be drinks and snacks to purchase. Students must be collected from the gymnasium no later than 7:30pm.
Clothing needs to be sensible - no inappropriate images or language to be displayed. In line with our school policy, phones are not to be used during the social.
Note: Students not meeting expectations at College over the coming week may not be able to attend the social. If this is the case parents will be contacted.

Seniors Building Apprenticeship KRE
  A great opportunity for a Year 12 or Year 13 student interested in a building apprenticeship with a fantastic building company. If you are interested please see someone in Careers.

Year 10 Second Half Year Options MEL
  The second half-year options have been entered into the timetable. Please check your T3 timetable or the student noticeboard for your options. If you wish to change an option, you need to fill in the change form and return it to the office or to Mr O'Donnell. If you have a gap, you need to see Mr O'Donnell. Change forms are at the office.