Notices -

Thursday 20th of June, 2024

Meeting / Practices Location When Staff
All Prayer FDMC Thu 20 Jun Day AZS
  Me Maumahara tatou, Ka tu tatou i te Aroaro o te Atua
In the Name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit Amen
Loving Father we thank you that we are your children and that we may hope in your Spirit. Your Spirit rules us as people whom you want to draw to yourself, as people who may serve you in their lives here on earth.
Hato Hoani Papita de La Salle Inoia Matou
Kei roto a Hehu Karaiti o tatou ngakou Mo ake tonu atu
Ki te ingoa o te Matua o te Tamaiti o te Wairua Tapu Amene

Intermediate Volleyball Sports Office Thu 20 Jun interval LCH
  Can the following students please come to a meeting in the Sports Office at Interval: Thatcher Ellmoos, Archie Cronin, Isaiah Manton, Will McNeil, Ben McNeil, Mason Seator, Korbin Muggeridge.

Notices Staff
  Senior Social game at LUNCHTIME TODAY - COLLEGE DROP OUTS vs SPLASH BROS ELITE. Splash Catholics on duty.

All Milk Bottles recycling PJO
  Yr 12 Seaweed fertiliser team Moana are looking for the 'Boring Oat Milk’ 1L bottles, we are happy to receive them in Rm 1.

All Vietnam Overseas Trip - Meeting Today 1 pm MWA
  ALL Students involved in the Vietnam overseas experience. Meet in History Room at 1 pm today for an important meeting

  An app message has been sent out regarding an upcoming Defensive Driving Course. Unfortunately the dates were incorrect. The correct dates for the New Plymouth course are June 24th & 25th and July 2nd and 4th. The cost is $250 per person. If you need further information, there is a poster on the noticeboard in the student foyer.