Notices -

Wednesday 26th of June, 2024

Meeting / Practices Location When Staff
All Joseph Cast Chapel Wed 26 Jun Lunch AZS
  Joseph Cast please meet in the Chapel at lunchtime.

All Prayer FDMC Wed 26 Jun Day AZS
  Me Maumahara tatou, Ka tu tatou i te Aroaro o te Atua
In the Name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit Amen
God of truth, of justice, of salvation, and of peace. Be with us every day, Lord God. Help us. Bless us, and bless all who try to bring help where it is needed. Let us praise your name forevermore!
Hato Hoani Papita de La Salle Inoia Matou
Kei roto a Hehu Karaiti o tatou ngakou Mo ake tonu atu
Ki te ingoa o te Matua o te Tamaiti o te Wairua Tapu Amene

Notices Staff
Senior Development you still play Spotswood College at FDMC.
9 BLUE you still play down in Stratford. Players must meet at the school vans at 4pm.

All Chess Club MEL
  Chess Club will run every Wednesday lunchtime in Room 17. All welcome (students from Yr 7-13). The secondary schools' chess competition is scheduled for the afternoon of Saturday, August 11th. FDMC is hosting the competition this year, so it would be great to have at least one FDMC team at the competition. See you all on Wednesday.

All Concert Band LST
  Concert Band is on Thursday after school, even though it is Matariki weekend. Please let Mrs Stuck know if you are unable to make it.

All CRICKET - Winter Pre Season Performance Program MWA
  CRICKET - Winter Pre Season Performance Program

Sign up for our 10 week pre season coaching program. An email has been sent to all cricketers with registration details. You can see Mr Wales in Rm 3 for more details. Get in quick, spaces are limited.

All Jersey Boys Opportunity JAC
  These students need to get a permission form from Mrs Connolly TODAY.
There is 1 free ticket left for Tuesday night's show at the TSB Showplace. See Mrs Connolly asap.

George Ogier, Stephan Roldan, Cooper Grainger, Ben Bartlett, Oskar Elmoos, Garrett Kendall, Thomas Kerr, Zach Bernardo
Clarence Chan, Connell Hagenson, Isaac Cameron, Ben Bartlett, Ethan Rice, Rhyder Gavin, Gustav Ippel, Thomas Doyle,
Jamie Boyd, Eshea Colgan, Tomas Verbeek, Oryn Colgan, Carter Hitchcock, Alejandro Bellringer, Oskar Fryer,
Cynan Huirama- Glennie

Seniors First 13 Rugby League RWA
  Players who have not got a notice re Nationals please see Ms Wackrow in Room 22 ( by the library) to get one. It has important information.

Seniors Scholarship English RWO
  Meeting in Room 9 Wednesday lunchtime. Check the Google classroom for notes.