Notices -

Monday 29th of July, 2024

Meeting / Practices Location When Staff
All Prayer FDMC Mon 29 Jul Day AZS
  Me Maumahara tatou, Ka tu tatou i te Aroaro o te Atua
In the Name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit Amen
Thank you for the amazing world you have made. Help us to care for every aspect of your creation. Thank you for the wonders of physics, medicine and astronomy. Help us to engage with each facet of the universe.
Hato Hoani Papita de La Salle Inoia Matou
Kei roto a Hehu Karaiti o tatou ngakou Mo ake tonu atu
Ki te ingoa o te Matua o te Tamaiti o te Wairua Tapu Amene

Year 8 Y8 Hockey Cardinals Meeting Room 18 Mon 29 Jul 10:45am POD
  Year 8 Cardinals meeting every Monday at Interval in Room 18.

Yrs 9-13 1st XI Football GYM Mon 29 Jul 10.45am RAS
  Can all members of the 1st XI Football team please meet Mr Asi at the end of assembly today.

Notices Staff
All Missing Library Game TWI
  If anyone knows where the new Library game "Stuff Happens" has gone please see Ms Meuli or Mr Williams.
It went missing at the end of last term.


Seniors Scholarship English RWO
  Scholarship English will be in Room 9 at lunchtime today.

Year 10 Service TDA
  Could the following students please see Mrs Dalliston in the Year 7/8 canopy following assembly today: Tai Benefield, Harper Craig, Oliver Foley, Grady O'Sullivan, Tarn Wiringi-Southee, Daniel Billanes, Tom Crowley, Rhyder Gavin, Alex Schultz, and Chris Tshhibangu.