Notices -

Monday 5th of August, 2024

Meeting / Practices Location When Staff
All Prayer FDMC Mon 5 Aug Day AZS
  Me Maumahara tatou, Ka tu tatou i te Aroaro o te Atua
In the Name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit Amen
Jesus, meek and humble of heart, make my heart like yours. Teach me to be humble and to serve others with love.
Hato Hoani Papita de La Salle Inoia Matou
Kei roto a Hehu Karaiti o tatou ngakou Mo ake tonu atu
Ki te ingoa o te Matua o te Tamaiti o te Wairua Tapu Amene

Yrs 9-13 NISS Skiing and Snowboarding Sports Office Mon 5 Aug Interval LCH
  Students interested in competing in the North Island Secondary School Skiing and Snow boarding Championships MUST come to a meeting today at interval in the sports office.

Notices Staff
  Could the following students please return Hire Blazers to the Uniform Shop as other students are needing to borrow them: Logan Wright, Malachi Churchill, Sam Gardner, Ollie Kerr. You are being charged for the hire of these blazers on a weekly basis.

All Student Council RWO
  Student council to meet in Room 9 at interval today.

Yrs 9-13 Speech Finals RWO
  Could any Year 9 - 13 students who wish to compete in the school speech final come to Room 9 at the start of lunchtime for a brief meeting.