Notices -

Sunday 18th of August, 2024

Meeting / Practices Location When Staff
Notices Staff
All Cultural Week TWI
  Cultural Week

Monday: Dumplings 3 for $2

Tuesday: American Hot Dogs $3, Flag Football on the field.

Wednesday: Cultural Mufti Day (gold coin donation) - wear traditional clothing or colors that represent your heritage. Crepes 2 for $1

Thursday: Gumboot Throw

Friday: School Bands playing

All Sacramental Programme MCP
  We will be running our Sacramental programme in Term 4. This means if you haven't been baptised, or had reconciliation or celebrated your first Holy Communion this is a great opportunity to do so. The programme will be run in school time. We have already had a number of boys from Years 7-13 indicate that they wish to do this. If you would like to know more or want to put your name down please come and see Mrs Chylek in R7.

  This is a reminder that Colours applications must be in by Friday, 23rd August. Applications should be delivered to Ms Roebuck (her office is by Mr Stuck's office). No late applications will be accepted. You will have received an email with the form. See Mrs Stevenson if you have any questions.

Year 10 Year 10 TOPEC day trip cancelled POD
  Unfortunately, the Year 10 day trip to TOPEC in week 6 is now cancelled. Sorry to those boys who expressed interest and brought back their permission slips but we did not meet the required minimum numbers for this trip to go ahead.